The creative journey....

Sunday 23 October 2011

I eat meat...

I don't eat loads of it but i am a meat eater non the less. This weekend my sister had a gathering of fellow farmers, she married one years ago so I know the other side of supermarket shelves! They have what they like to call "shoot" weekends, imagine what you will from the title!
I doubt I would ever become a vegetarian but it got me thinking about how I struggle like most to see the brutal side of our diets. Even my husband on a fishing trip couldn't kill the mackerel we caught as it flapped around on the rocks gasping for air. Both of us dancing around saying "you do it", until we let it go.
(he was gutted as he loves fresh fish).
Looks like we are happy to let others do the jobs we don't like! Although I must stress I am strongly against killing for sport, I have to ask, if I had to for hunger, would I...?
So as a dedication to the beautiful birds that lost their lives this weekend I have drawn a pheasant in prep for a Lino to hang on my sisters wall so we can remember...

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